Public Diplomacy Certificate Program
Public Diplomacy Certificate Program
(In Planning Stage)
1. Purpose
In the 60 years since the Turkish labor migration abroad, which started in the early 1960s, the texture of the Turkish population living in various countries has changed with new generations, settlement has increased rapidly, and a structure that we can call a diasporic or cross-border community has emerged. Members of the Turkish community abroad take part in almost every aspect of the societies they live in, and at the same time, they maintain their cultural and spiritual ties with Turkey. As a result of this commitment, anti-Turkish movements and individuals seriously affect the daily lives of Turks abroad as well as their future plans. It is planned to organize a Public Diplomacy Certificate Program in order to enlighten and strengthen citizens and people of Turkish origin who encounter anti-Turkish rhetoric abroad and accusations and activities that question their own existence.
Turks living abroad are expected to participate in our 38-hour professional public diplomacy certificate program, which is planned to be held primarily online. In the training program, which can be attended by higher education students and/or graduates, media professionals, members of non-governmental organizations and those who are interested, participants will be taught by competent expert trainers, diplomats and journalists at the university level. In this context, the principles of public diplomacy, its application possibilities and measurement/evaluation methods will be discussed. In the program, the functioning of public diplomacy will be understood through real cases. The program will end with an exam to measure the success level of the participants and the presentation of the certificate.
The content and details of the program in question are presented below, and in its implementation, cooperation will be made with relevant public institutions and organizations and non-governmental organizations.
2. Program Content
1. Introduction to Public Diplomacy (3 Hours)
Classical Diplomacy; The Emergence and Development of Public Diplomacy; Strength; Nation-State and National Interest; Content of Different Types of Public Diplomacy
2. Perception of Turks and Türkiye Abroad (3 Hours)
Perception of Turks and Türkiye in the World from History to Today
3. Services Provided by Turkey to Turks Abroad (2 Hours)
Turkey's Policies and Corporate Services for Its Citizens Abroad
4. National Security and Public Diplomacy (2 Hours)
Public Diplomacy as a National Security Tool; Countering Adversarial Public Diplomacy
5. Gaining Influence Through Communication and Dialogue (3 Hours)
Impact Factors; Implied Credibility; Communication Tools and Methods; Media and Public Opinion
6. Public Diplomacy Strategies (4 Hours)
Strategic Public Diplomacy; Partners of Public Diplomacy; Preparation of Public Diplomacy Strategies; Academic Support; Public Diplomacy Institutions and Their Relations with State Authorities
7. Different Fields of Public Diplomacy (3 Hours)
Political Communication; Cultural Diplomacy; Science Diplomacy; Educational Diplomacy; Health Diplomacy; Humanitarian Aid Diplomacy; Sports Diplomacy; Nation and State Branding; Exchange Programs; Diaspora Diplomacy
8. Public Diplomacy Narratives (4 Hours)
Narrative in Public Diplomacy; Narrative Strategies and Intercultural Communication; Creativity in Public Diplomacy
9. Strategic Public Diplomacy Practices (4 Hours)
Field work; Behavior Styles of Public Diplomats; Applying Appropriate Types of Public Diplomacy
10. Measuring Public Diplomacy Effects (3 Hours)
Data collecting; Data analysis; Evaluation and Research
11. Case Studies (4 Hours)
Public Diplomacy of Great Powers; Public Diplomacy of Medium-Sized States and Case Studies in Terms of Different Political Developments
12. Review of Topics Covered (3 Hours)
13. Final Exam (Multiple Choice) (2 Hours)